Tuesday 7 December 2021

Optical illusions


Summer learning Journey



Today I got to choose famous pitchers and colour them in  and here they are 

Friday 29 October 2021

Lion dancing

Lion dancing 

Wednesday the 27th of October we had lion dancing all my class and me thought it was going to be so boring, but when we got there we saw big huge heads and the butt parts. First we had to Partner up and I was with my friend Kasey.

He introduced himself and said that his name was Winsome lam, He told us that we would be dancing with a big giant head and the butt part. 

We started to learn some actions like bending down and trying not to bend our feet, and all sorts of different moves.                                                                                                                                                                         

When we got into the costumes we were all laughing because heaps of people were shaking there butts and doing funny dances in them. 

When we did all the actions  it was so hard because we had to both do different things at the same time. 

Carbon footprint


Friday 30 July 2021

Time line


Jean Batten

 This is my plane I made for Jean Batten to get through the sand storms and her other problems 

Thursday 1 July 2021


 "Witches don't exist!" My gran's words echoed around my head as the horrific visage in my mind that a with was going to show up outside of my window.

But I knew that witches don't exist so I invited some of my friends to my house. There names are Bella, Trixie and Roxy and my name is Tereora we have been friends since kindergarten, but there has always been drama between us. When they all arrived at my house I showed them where we were going to sleep. When we were going to sleep I was thinking of a witch hopping up and scaring me, I was so afraid. It was even more spooky because we were telling each other scary storeys before bed time, but the most scary storey was Bella's,  because her storey was about clowns and witches coming to your house and haunting you until you walk and they kill you and your family. I was getting really scared because I thought she was atuly telling a real storey. But the worst thing I couldn't stop thinking of the witch popping up in front of my window. But the next day all my friends went back home, and when I was not afraid anymore because, when we were telling each other storeys, I got use to it and I didn't feel scared anymore.


Friday 25 June 2021

Camping in the forest

 I saw her and then she was gone, I heard her whispering for me to follow. It only took me a few seconds for me to decide.. But in my head It atuly was hard because I didn't want to get lost. Hi my name is Teddy, and I am in the forest camping with my friends Ruby, Jess and Kasey. We have been friends for along time, okay lets skip to the good part… Ok I was very shocked because (Ruby) she was gone strat away when I was going to talk to her. I found a letter were she was sitting, It said " I just live a little less now, somewere a little else now, Still I hope you can hear me just like when you were near me ". 

I felt like that was a clue to finding her, maybe she right some more notes to find her. 

But i don't know what I am looking for. Maybe this is just a dream " waking myself to wake up ". But atuly I was sleep walking and sleep talking. I can't believe that I was doing all these things, but Ruby, Kasey and Jess are atuly my friends. THE END

Hope you will enjoy this story

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Wednesday 23 June 2021

Friday 18 June 2021

Tuesday 8 June 2021


 This year we are designing a rocket to blast off into the air. We have a person called Lincoln that comes into our class room and helps us with designing and planning. Today 8 June 2021, We are going to be making our actual rockets. My group has designed a really cool and awesome rocket that has all our designs on. My design was to put a flame down the bottom so when it goes up it looks like it has fire like when it actually blasts off. Hope I will post a another about how it went up .


 I chose this one because I have started to read this book at home

Monday 10 May 2021

Thursday 6 May 2021

Thursday 8 April 2021

Wednesday 31 March 2021

Science road show

In the morning we were doing the old normal routine taking the roll and getting in a line. We were joining with two other classes to go to the show. We went to the 9:30 show we were the first ones to go, when we started to go in I knew that it was going to be fun because there was all these actives that you could do. The first thing they started to do was talking about science like what you do in science and how to figure out things in science. But then we got into the experiments They were really cool and fun, the first experiment was this thing you put into a bowl then it turned into to this slimy guwy worm. A girl called Bijou got to hold it and play with it. It looked so nice and slimy. The second experiment was a balloon filled with Hydrogen  then one of the lady had a candle on the end then she put it against the balloon and BOOM!!!. The balloon had popped it was awesome. Everyone loved it. At the end we all got to ply with the actives my favourite one was the rocket launcher you put a rolled up piece of paper on the end of the rocket launcher then you would try and hit the bullseye. 


Thursday 25 March 2021

Wednesday 17 March 2021

All about dogs


This is my slide all about dogs 

Friday 26 February 2021

All About me 2021


Welcome to my new blog for this year. This is my All About me